__author__ = 'gerard,mtaghiza'
#Python v3.4
import json
import sys
import requests
import os.path
import warnings
import getpass
from SciServer import Config
[docs]class KeystoneUser:
The class KeystoneUser stores the 'id' and 'name' of the user.
id = None
userName = None
token = None
[docs]class Token:
The class token stores the authentication token of the user in a particular session.
value = None
token = Token();
keystoneUser = KeystoneUser();
[docs]def getKeystoneUserWithToken(token):
Returns the name and Keystone id of the user corresponding to the specified token.
:param token: Sciserver's authentication token (string) for the user.
:return: Returns a KeystoneUser object, which stores the name and id of the user.
:raises: Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the Authentication URL returns an error.
:example: token = Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken(Authentication.getToken())
.. seealso:: Authentication.getToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.setToken.
if keystoneUser.token == token and keystoneUser.token is not None:
return keystoneUser;
taskName = ""
if Config.isSciServerComputeEnvironment():
taskName = "Compute.SciScript-Python.Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken"
taskName = "SciScript-Python.Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken"
loginURL = Config.AuthenticationURL
if ~loginURL.endswith("/"):
loginURL = loginURL + "/"
loginURL = loginURL + token + "?TaskName=" + taskName;
getResponse = requests.get(loginURL)
if getResponse.status_code != 200:
raise Exception("Error when getting the keystone user with token " + str(token) +".\nHttp Response from the Authentication API returned status code " + str(getResponse.status_code) + ":\n" + getResponse.content.decode());
responseJson = json.loads((getResponse.content.decode()))
ksu = KeystoneUser()
ksu.userName = responseJson["token"]["user"]["name"]
ksu.id = responseJson["token"]["user"]["id"]
ksu.token = token
keystoneUser.token = token;
keystoneUser.userName = ksu.userName
keystoneUser.id = ksu.id
return ksu
[docs]def login(UserName=None, Password=None):
Logs the user into SciServer and returns the authentication token.
This function is useful when SciScript-Python library methods are executed outside the SciServer-Compute environment.
In this case, the session authentication token does not exist (and therefore can't be automatically recognized),
so the user has to use Authentication.login in order to log into SciServer manually and get the authentication token.
Authentication.login also sets the token value in the python instance argument variable "--ident", and as the local object Authentication.token (of class Authentication.Token).
:param UserName: name of the user (string). If not set, then a user name prompt will show.
:param Password: password of the user (string). If not set, then a password prompt will show.
:return: authentication token (string)
:raises: Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the Authentication URL returns an error.
:example: token1 = Authentication.login(); token2 = Authentication.login('loginName','loginPassword');
.. seealso:: Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.getToken, Authentication.setToken, Authentication.token.
taskName = ""
if Config.isSciServerComputeEnvironment():
taskName = "Compute.SciScript-Python.Authentication.Login"
taskName = "SciScript-Python.Authentication.Login"
loginURL = Config.AuthenticationURL + "?TaskName=" + taskName
userName = UserName;
password = Password;
if userName is None:
userName = getpass.getpass(prompt="Enter SciServer user name: ")
if password is None:
password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Enter SciServer password: ")
authJson = {"auth":{"identity":{"password":{"user":{"name":userName,"password":password}}}}}
data = json.dumps(authJson).encode()
headers={'Content-Type': "application/json"}
postResponse = requests.post(loginURL,data=data,headers=headers)
if postResponse.status_code != 200:
raise Exception("Error when logging in. Http Response from the Authentication API returned status code " + str(postResponse.status_code) + ":\n" + postResponse.content.decode());
_token = postResponse.headers['X-Subject-Token']
return _token
[docs]def getToken():
Returns the SciServer authentication token of the user. First, will try to return Authentication.token.value.
If Authentication.token.value is not set, Authentication.getToken will try to return the token value in the python instance argument variable "--ident".
If this variable does not exist, will try to return the token stored in Config.KeystoneTokenFilePath. Will return a None value if all previous steps fail.
:return: authentication token (string)
:example: token = Authentication.getToken()
.. seealso:: Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.setToken, Authentication.token.
if Config.isSciServerComputeEnvironment():
tokenFile = Config.KeystoneTokenPath; # '/home/idies/keystone.token'
if os.path.isfile(tokenFile):
with open(tokenFile, 'r') as f:
_token = f.read().rstrip('\n')
if _token is not None and _token != "":
token.value = _token;
found = False
ident = identArgIdentifier()
for arg in sys.argv:
if (arg.startswith(ident)):
sys.argv.append(ident + _token)
found = True
if not found:
sys.argv.append(ident + _token)
return _token
warnings.warn("In Authentication.getToken: Cannot find token in system token file " + str(Config.KeystoneTokenPath) + ".", Warning, stacklevel=2)
return None;
warnings.warn("In Authentication.getToken: Cannot find system token file " + str(Config.KeystoneTokenPath) + ".", Warning, stacklevel=2)
return None;
if token.value is not None:
return token.value
_token = None
ident = identArgIdentifier()
for arg in sys.argv:
if (arg.startswith(ident)):
_token = arg[len(ident):]
if _token is not None and _token != "":
token.value = _token
return _token
warnings.warn("In Authentication.getToken: Authentication token is not defined: the user did not log in with the Authentication.login function, or the token has not been stored in the command line argument --ident.", Warning, stacklevel=2)
return None;
except Exception as e:
raise e;
[docs]def setToken(_token):
Sets the SciServer authentication token of the user in the variable Authentication.token.value, as well as in the python instance argument variable "--ident".
:param _token: Sciserver's authentication token for the user (string)
:example: Authentication.setToken('myToken')
.. seealso:: Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.getToken, Authentication.token.
if _token is None:
warnings.warn("Authentication token is being set with a None value.", Warning, stacklevel=2)
if _token == "":
warnings.warn("Authentication token is being set as an empty string.", Warning, stacklevel=2)
if Config.isSciServerComputeEnvironment():
warnings.warn("Authentication token cannot be set to arbitary value when inside SciServer-Compute environment.", Warning, stacklevel=2)
token.value = _token;
found = False
ident = identArgIdentifier()
for arg in sys.argv:
if (arg.startswith(ident)):
sys.argv.append(ident + _token)
found = True
if not found:
sys.argv.append(ident + _token)
[docs]def identArgIdentifier():
Returns the name of the python instance argument variable where the user token is stored.
:return: name (string) of the python instance argument variable where the user token is stored.
:example: name = Authentication.identArgIdentifier()
.. seealso:: Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.getToken, Authentication.token.
return "--ident="
[docs]def getKeystoneToken():
.. warning:: Deprecated. Use Authentication.getToken instead.
Returns the users keystone token passed into the python instance with the --ident argument.
:return: authentication token (string)
:example: token = Authentication.getKeystoneToken()
.. seealso:: Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.setToken, Authentication.token, Authentication.getToken.
warnings.warn("Using SciServer.Authentication.getKeystoneToken is deprecated. Use SciServer.Authentication.getToken instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
_token = None
ident = identArgIdentifier()
for arg in sys.argv:
if (arg.startswith(ident)):
_token = arg[len(ident):]
#if (_token == ""):
# raise EnvironmentError("Keystone token is not in the command line argument --ident.")
if _token is None or _token == "":
warnings.warn("Keystone token is not defined, and is not stored in the command line argument --ident.", Warning, stacklevel=2)
return _token
[docs]def setKeystoneToken(_token):
.. warning:: Deprecated. Use Authentication.setToken instead.
Sets the token as the --ident argument
:param _token: authentication token (string)
:example: Authentication.setKeystoneToken("myToken")
.. seealso:: Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.setToken, Authentication.token, Authentication.getToken.
warnings.warn("Using SciServer.Authentication.setKeystoneToken is deprecated. Use SciServer.Authentication.setToken instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
if _token is None:
warnings.warn("Authentication token is being set with a None value.", Warning, stacklevel=2)
if _token == "":
warnings.warn("Authentication token is being set as an empty string.", Warning, stacklevel=2)
found = False
ident = identArgIdentifier()
for arg in sys.argv:
if (arg.startswith(ident)):
sys.argv.append(ident + str(_token))
found = True
if not found:
sys.argv.append(ident + str(_token))