Source code for SciServer.Config

import json
import os
The SciServer.Config module contains important parameters for the correct functioning of the SciServer package.\n
Although these parameters must be set/defined by the admin or user before the installation of the package, they can also be accessed and changed on-the-fly while on the python session.\n

- **Config.CasJobsRESTUri**: defines the base URL of the CasJobs web API (string). E.g., ""

- **Config.AuthenticationURL**: defines the base URL of the Authentication web service API (string). E.g., ""

- **Config.SciDriveHost**: defines the base URL of the SciDrive web service API (string). E.g., ""

- **Config.SkyQueryUrl**: defines the base URL of the SkyQuery web service API (string). E.g., ""

- **Config.SkyServerWSurl**: defines the base URL of the SkyServer web service API (string). E.g., ""

- **Config.RacmApiURL**: defines the base URL of the RACM API (string). E.g., ""

- **Config.DataRelease**: defines the SDSS data release (string), to be used to build the full SkyServer API url along with Config.SkyServerWSurl. E.g., "DR13"

- **Config.KeystoneTokenPath**: defines the local path (string) to the file containing the user's authentication token in the SciServer-Compute environment. E.g., "/home/idies/keystone.token". Unlikely to change since it is hardcoded in SciServer-Compute.

- **Config.ComputeUrl**: defines the base URL of the Compute webapp (string). E.g., "".

- **Config.SciqueryURL**: defines the base URL of the SciQuery web API (string). E.g., "".

- **Config.version**: defines the SciServer release version tag (string), to which this package belongs. E.g., "sciserver-v1.9.3"
# URLs for accessing SciServer web services (API endpoints)
CasJobsRESTUri = ""
AuthenticationURL = ""
SciDriveHost = ""
SkyQueryUrl = ""
SkyServerWSurl = ""
RacmApiURL = ""
DataRelease = "DR15"
KeystoneTokenPath =  "/home/idies/keystone.token" #the path to the file containing the user's keystone token is hardcoded in the sciserver-compute environment
version = "sciserver-v2.2.0" #sciserver release version
ComputeJobDirectoryFile = "/home/idies/jobs.path" #the path to the file in the "Docker job container" that shows the directory path where the asynchronous compute job is being executed.
ComputeUrl = ""
SciqueryURL = ""
ComputeWorkDir = "/home/idies/workspace/"

def _load_config(filename):
    if os.path.exists(filename):
        with open(filename) as f:
            _config_data = json.load(f)
            global CasJobsRESTUri, AuthenticationURL, SciDriveHost, SkyQueryUrl, SkyServerWSurl
            global RacmApiURL, DataRelease, KeystoneTokenPath, version, ComputeJobDirectoryFile
            global ComputeUrl, SciqueryURL, ComputeWorkDir
            CasJobsRESTUri = _config_data.get('CasJobsRESTUri', CasJobsRESTUri)
            AuthenticationURL = _config_data.get('AuthenticationURL', AuthenticationURL)
            SciDriveHost = _config_data.get('SciDriveHost', SciDriveHost)
            SkyQueryUrl = _config_data.get('SkyQueryUrl', SkyQueryUrl)
            SkyServerWSurl = _config_data.get('SkyServerWSurl', SkyServerWSurl)
            RacmApiURL = _config_data.get('RacmApiURL', RacmApiURL)
            DataRelease = _config_data.get('DataRelease', DataRelease)
            KeystoneTokenPath = _config_data.get('KeystoneTokenPath', KeystoneTokenPath)
            version = _config_data.get('version', version)
            ComputeJobDirectoryFile = _config_data.get('ComputeJobDirectoryFile', ComputeJobDirectoryFile)
            ComputeUrl = _config_data.get('ComputeUrl', ComputeUrl)
            SciqueryURL = _config_data.get('SciqueryURL', SciqueryURL)
            ComputeWorkDir = _config_data.get('ComputeWorkDir', ComputeWorkDir)

_CONFIG_DIR = os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config'))
_SCISERVER_SYSTEM_CONFIG_DIR = '/etc/' # will not likely exist on non *nix systems
    _load_config(os.path.join(config_dir, 'sciserver', 'sciscript.json'))

# returns TRUE if the library is running inside the SciServer-Compute, and FALSE if not
[docs]def isSciServerComputeEnvironment(): """ Checks whether the library is being run within the SciServer-Compute environment. :return: Returns True if the library is being run within the SciServer-Compute environment, and False if not. """ if os.path.isfile(KeystoneTokenPath): return True else: return False